Hi Friends of mine!! I hope you all are doing just g-r-e-a-t (Tony the tiger style). I'm really working on new ideas for Just More Jesus. I'm thinking of ways to get the word spread. I'm praying about it constantly and I have full confidence that God will make a way. YOU may be a part of that so run your mouth. Tell anyone and everyone you know. In my efforts to spread the word, I made these videos (out of the box living for me!!) and I've gotten some really nice comments about the first video so I figured, why not make another one issuing a public "Thank You"--Which you may see below: (If you happen to have seen the "Thank You" video on YouTube, this is the same video here. I've only done two so far. I've posted both on YouTube and both here.)
Isn't it funny that I managed to talk for two more minutes after I said I'm not gonna keep you any longer. Sorry!!
On another note, I also should probably explain that even though that particular Sunday School class flopped, I have been very fortunate to lead other Sunday School classes and Bible Studies. I am very grateful for those opportunities and for the sweet, dependable people who were faithful to show up for each meeting. I am appreciative of their efforts. I can love to teach and share God's Word but I've gotta have people willing to listen or otherwise I'm like a little girl playing school with her dolls. So, those of you who have been nice enough to attend the classes and studies--I'm forever grateful. If I'm going to tell a (not so positive) experience I had, I need to be willing to share a positive one. Just so happens I actually have one (smile, wink, wink). Right after I tried to start that class that I refer to in the video, I began, also through the church, a six week Bible study that I was inspired to write. The first night we were to meet you can know I was very nervous. Let's not forget that I had just had the multiple no-show experiences. Now, please don't misunderstand me here. I know that it isn't about numbers. The number of people present in no way determines how the Holy Spirit shows up and works. However, for a girl who had just come off of a rather humiliating experience with the Sunday School class, God decided to baby me a little. We had so many people show up that we had to move to a larger room and bring in extra chairs. Wow, how humbling. Don't think God can't do things for you. He can! He does! He's teaching us when we think we're just "living" day to day. The lessons are there, the questions is, am I looking and listening.
In this life we are living, it's very easy to get so busy that we don't notice anything other than how behind we are at work, how tired we are, what a mess our houses are, what bills are overdue, who has a doctor's appointment & what on earth everyone in my house is going to eat tonight...BUT, I am challenging myself & you too this upcoming week. Step outside your box. Find a friend to say hi to that you haven't spoken to in a while, check on a neighbor, call a family member you don't speak with regularly, send a real letter to someone in the real mail (I love to get real mail instead of just bills, don't you?!), do something out of your ordinary rat race to connect with a person. It only takes a few minutes and you have no idea the impact your few minutes may have on their life. If we aren't careful (me included) we can get so comfy in our own lives that we cease our outside of the box involvement. When you start getting yourself alone in your own world, you are in dangerous territory. You become easy prey for Satan to start selling you lies. I know this one. Perhaps you sit on the end where you need someone to reach out to you. If you feel that way and you realize it--please REACH OUT. I know its hard. I've been there (recently). I guarantee you whatever contact you have will begin to turn your perspective. If you can't muster up the courage to do anything else, you can go to my website www.justmorejesus.com and use the "contact me" tab to send me an email. I will get back to you. Promise. God doesn't want us to be alone. He intends for us to fellowship with each other, encourage each other, cry with each other, laugh with each other--just build relationships. They are the ONLY thing we get to take with us into eternity.
PS-------> I love you--but more importantly--your Savior loves you.